With everything going on, I've still managed to fit in some stitching. Really, when you're stressed out and busy, is there ANYTHING better or more therapeutic than fitting in an hour of stitching at the end of a stressful day? Out of all the chaos comes something beautiful and calming.

I'm going to still continue working on Royal until she's done, as I want to get that all important 2010 finish date on her. I'm currently working on the "sash" of ribbons falling down from her waist. After that, I need to go back and fill in some of the scrollwork on her skirt and finish up all the white/gray of her cloak. After that it's onwards and upwards to give her a head!
Nifty little tidbit - although I'll be changing my last name, my "sig" of SMW will get to stay the same for my needlework projects.