So I opted to have a little (ha!) stash blow out at the end of the year, and some of the backordered goodies just came in.
I just spent a very pleasant hour cutting fabric to size and assigning the various pieces to projects, getting them together with their patterns and threads and beads as I have them. Some of the leftover pieces of fabrics have already been assigned elsewhere.
So here's what I ended up getting:
There's always a few new patterns being brought into the mix. I got Christmas Elegance, Rose Celebration, Venetian Opulence, and Enchanted Mermaid ~ all Mirabilias, of course. I also got a couple new Silver Linings: Scene Stealer (another iris) and two of the Bed of Roses series, The Brilliant and The Royal.
I kitted up the following projects:
*Wood Warblers I and II from Crossed Wing Collection. Both are bellpulls to be done on 28 count (cashel) cream linen, plus all the floss.
*Broadway by Silver Lining. This is a fabulous rose, and will be done on 32 count (belfast) antique white linen, plus all the floss. (got 1/2 yard of fabric so there is leftover for another project)
*My Sweet Rose by Artecy. A reproduction of one of my favorite paintings by Waterhouse - I got 20 count ivory Aida since none of the background shows, and all of the floss. (got 1/2 yard of fabric so there is leftover for another project)
*Garden Verses by Mirabilia, to be done on an 32 count (belfast) apricot linen, and all the floss and beads. (got 1/2 yard of fabric so there is leftover for another project)
*Scarlet Ribands by Long Dog Samplers. I'm trying some silks from Hand Dyed Fibers for this and will work it on 38 count (edinborough) antique white linen. (got 1/2 yard of fabric so there is leftover for another project)
I also picked up some additional beads and metallics for already in-progress projects, plus a bunch of needles and other necessities.
I had a 20% off the entire order coupon from Michael's so I went there for floss. So when you're picking up 400+ skeins of floss AND the cashier has to ring them up individually, you end up spending a LONG time waiting LOL Fortunately I had a chatty cashier with a great attitude, so we had a long discussion about various things, and they opened another register so no one got stuck behind me. Did I mention that the register also has to take 20% off EACH item individually as well with that coupon? Huge receipt, but really, this is the cheapest way to buy floss.
I was going to stop there with stash for a good long time, but I may have to make another floss run (yep, got another 20% off coupon). Since Enchanted Fabrics is closing, I splurged on a piece of Hocus Pocus fabric for Christmas Elegance. Also, there's a leftover piece of the apricot belfast (from Garden Verses) that I think will be perfect for another Mirabilia, The Kiss. Both Christmas Elegance and the Kiss have a wide variety of beads, but beads can definately wait. The leftover piece of antique white belfast is definately for another Silver Lining, but I have 3 possibilities that will fit on it and have not decided which will go there.
Venetian Opulence and Rose Celebration are both gorgeous paterns, and I'd like to start thinking about background fabric choices, etc. I also need to pick out background fabrics for Alhambra Garden and Watergarden, the next two Chatelaines I will be doing.
As far as starting any of these lovely projects soon...well, you've seen my in progress list, right? LOL I will be focusing on completing a couple of projects first I think.